Tuesday, April 21, 2020

So long, Free Press

Freddy's three thoughts ...

1. How to boil down the last 20 years? My final column appeared in The Free Press this morning. Please give it a read here. After 20 hockey seasons and nearly 20 full calendar years, I've accepted a new job. I'll be a communications manager for Specialty Soya & Grains Alliance. It will be a new challenge — one that I'm excited about — but it will be weird not to be covering sports, especially hockey, which I've done for the last 25 years (that includes five years at Let's Play Hockey prior to starting at The Free Press).

2. I'm not going anywhere: Mankato has become home to the Frederick family, so the good news is: I'm not leaving town. So, if it works out, I hope to continue to do some freelance writing and other things in the college hockey universe once — if? — the hockey season starts up again in the fall. And I'll try to be active on Twitter as well as this blog (the web address has changed, FYI, so adjust your bookmarks accordingly) when I can. And if I'm not in the press box, I'm looking forward to watching some games in the stands. I'll finally find out what it's like to have a beer during an Minnesota State hockey game at the civic center!

3. Thank you, everyone: There are so many people to thank — from editors and writers and co-workers to coaches and players and staffs to sports information/communications folks and other beat writers and other media members— that it would be impossible to name them all without unintentionally forgetting a few. But it's impossible to do this job without the support and cooperation of good people, and I've had that. Let me add a thank you to my family for putting up with a sports writer's crazy schedule over the last couple of years and another to all of the readers who followed Minnesota State hockey and other Mankato-area sports over the last two decades. I hope I was able to "capture the spirt of the thing" for you!

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