Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Get 'em while their hot ... last call for questions

Minnesota State announced Monday that student tickets for this weekend's games against 10th-ranked Wisconsin will be distributed starting at noon Thursday at Taylor Center. There are 1,100 student tickets for each game, and they are free to all students with valid Mavcards.

Also, the first 500 fans to attend Friday's game will receive a free MSU hockey toque (winter hat) courtesy of McDonald's. Saturday night's game features the annual Teddy Bear Toss. Bring a stuffed animal to the game to donate to local children's charities and you'll get a voucher for a discount for a future game ticket.

Finally, this is the last call for questions for the weekly "You Want Answers?" post. They're trickling in so far. I'll be answering them later today.

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